20/20 Institute is excited to be partnering with the IU School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology to assist in the education of the ophthalmology residents in the field of refractive surgery.

Dr. Zeh is our Board Certified Corneal Specialist who performs all refractive procedures at 20/20 Institute. He will be giving lectures to the residents on different topics of refractive surgery, and the residents will have the opportunity to visit 20/20 Institute. While the residents are here, they will have the opportunity to observe Dr. Zeh while he does procedures, as well as pre-op and post-op appointments.

The goal of this partnership is to educate residents on the types of procedures that are available for vision correction; patients who would be good candidates for LASIK procedures; and what outcomes can be expected from these procedures.

“There is really no substitute for seeing first hand how the lives of our patients are transformed by freeing them from the burden of vision correction devices, like glasses or contacts,” said Dr. Zeh.


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